Trauma Therapy

Brainspotting & EMDR therapy in Atlanta, New York, and Portland, Maine

Why can’t I just get over it?

A part of you never feels quite right, on edge, like you need to be on guard. Sometimes it is right on the surface and you feel anxious, like you can’t get close to others. Other times it is less apparent but still present at a deeper level influencing how you view yourself, others, or the world. Sometimes the nightmares come back, other times you have a hard time relaxing enough to sleep deeply. You have these big reactions in your relationships or at work, or you completely shut down. Bad memories or images can pop up and take you by surprise.

You thought you could leave the past behind you and there are times you have been able to but, recently it has been a lot harder. You beat up on yourself or feel “crazy” because you just “can’t get over it”. Your friends and family don’t get it. You feel alone and confused about why your childhood or a past trauma is still affecting you. Is this anxiety, problems in your relationships, negative thoughts and beliefs even related to what happened?

You are not alone

Unfortunately, too many people experience traumatic or painful experiences. Humans have a built in resilience and many people recover from these experiences, learn from them, and live their lives. For some people these experiences (often early) rarely interfere with their work, relationships, or sense of self in a negative way. For others, effects from past trauma or PTSD symptoms may surface at key transition points in their lives and feel “out of the blue”. And for many, they feel that the shadow of the past is “always there.” Often people feel shame or that they are “crazy” because they “can’t just get over it”. Some people believe that they will never feel better. Something bad happened, of course it is going to impact your life but, you don’t have to keep reliving it. It doesn’t have to dictate or control your life.


I am a Trauma therapist and I can help

Kim Austin, Brainspotting & EMDR Therapist

Kim Austin, LCSW - Therapist serving clients in person in Decatur / Atlanta, and virtually in Georgia. New York, and Maine. Specializing in Anxiety, Trauma, Brainspotting, EMDR, Ketamine Therapy in Atlanta.

My name is Kimberly Austin and for almost two decades, I have worked with clients to help them work through past trauma and painful experiences, often childhood trauma. I strive to create a safe space for you to explore how your past may or may not be impacting your life now. I help people understand what occurred, how it relates to their identity and meaning in their life, to release what no longer serves them, and to place the event (s) in the past where it/they belong.

I offer the following brain based therapies that facilitate rapid healing:


Beyond Talking: Brainspotting & EMDR

Talking is an important and helpful component of therapy. Having a way of understanding ourselves and our world through narrative is important. But when it comes to trauma recovery talking is not enough. The title of Bessel Van Der Kolk’s (a famous trauma therapist) seminal book on trauma and PTSD, “The Body Keeps the Score” says it all. Remnants of trauma are often held in the body and the deeper parts of our brain….beyond where talking can reach.

It is for this reason I utilize Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Brainspotting treatment approaches in my work. Both modalities allow direct access to the subcortical areas of the brain and facilitate processing of unresolved trauma leading to greater insight, release, and relief. I am Certified in both modalities and have extensive experience and training in using them to help people successfully recover from traumatic experiences. I know you don't want to just talk about it, you want to feel better.

More Information about Brainspotting:

More Information about EMDR:

Discover just how resilient you are

If you are ready to tap into your brain and body’s wisdom, move beyond internal blocks, and get closer to who you are meant to be,  click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation for psychotherapy to clients in Atlanta, New York, and Portland, Maine. My other specialties include Anxiety, PTSD, Performance Enhancement, Relationships, and Couple’s Counseling, Ketamine Therapy, and Psychedelic Integration.


All are welcomed in our practice. We seek to create a safe and inclusive environment for all sexual identities, expressions, and relationship styles. We are committed to antiracism; personally and professionally. The negative impacts of prejudice, bias, and colorblindness on mental health are profound. We strive to be affirming and responsive to the needs and experiences of all clients.