EMDR Therapy - Eye Desensitization & Reprocessing
Atlanta, New York, and Portland, Maine
EMDR Therapy
You have always managed to get by
It’s true, you do get by but you also feel anxious and unsettled much of the time. Even when things may be going okay, you can suddenly feel pulled off track by some small event or interaction. Someone raises their voice, you feel unnerved when you are in the house alone, or you get overwhelmed around certain people. Often you don’t know why but you get upset, agitated, or feel just “off”. Sometimes the feelings are momentary, other times you fall into a funk for days. You are more self-critical, insecure and irritable. You worry about upsetting your partner or friends. You might avoid social situations, drink a little more, eat a little more just to feel …less.
You can’t change the past, so how can EMDR therapy help?
Maybe you have been to therapy, read a bit about trauma, or shared with friends. Maybe talking and reading helped a little. You learned some ways to try to think about it differently. But, in your bones, it doesn’t feel any better. You still feel unsettled and react negatively when something sets you off. It is affecting your relationships, your parenting, your ability to move ahead in your life.
You want to do more than just “get by”
You so want to feel calmer and more grounded in yourself and your life. You are tired of just avoiding situations. You don’t just want to learn to “cope” with all this anxiety and funks. You wonder what life might be like if you could finally feel free from those painful experiences? What would your relationships, work, your body feel like if you lived in the present without the past intruding? You are not even sure it is about the past but, you know your reactivity is not just about the present.
EMDR Therapy (even though it is kinda weird) can help
First of all, EMDR is faster than traditional talk therapy. EMDR therapy is structured differently than most traditional therapy sessions. It, honestly, looks and sounds a bit weird but, research has shown EMDR therapy to be extremely effective. EMDR therapy uses bilateral stimulation (through either eye movements, sounds, tapping or buzzers placed in each hand) to assist the brain in processing unresolved traumatic material. It rewires the neural networks associated with those terrible experiences.
After EMDR therapy with me…
I have been practicing EMDR for almost 18 years and have seen it provide tremendous healing and relief. After completing EMDR, people often report feeling that the traumatic memories or experiences are in the past. When they recall the traumatic memory, it feels more like it happened instead of feeling like it is still happening. When events are placed accurately in the past, the associated emotions and beliefs that get instilled at the time of the trauma(s) are lessened or eliminated. As an EMDR therapist, some of the words and phrases I hear from clients are “relief”, “clarity,” “it’s over”, I’m ok, “it had nothing to do with me” or “it wasn’t my fault.”
I am an EMDR Therapist and I can help
My name is Kimberly Austin, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) EMDR and Brainspotting Therapist licensed in Georgia, New York and Maine. I help people find greater clarity, self-understanding, and compassion so that they can get free of internal blocks that are holding them back in their relationships, work, and life. My work with you picks up where traditional talk therapy ends.
Contact me for a free consultation
Contact me for a free consultation to see if EMDR therapy might be helpful for you. You can call me at (207) 295-7427, or click here, to schedule your 15-minute phone consultation. Other specialties include:
Brainspotting, EMDR Therapy, Anxiety Therapy, Trauma Therapy/PTSD Treatment, Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)